“Well - thx for a fair match fool.
Even it was kinda onesided, you managed to score an awesome TD in the second half when you were at 5!
I didnt want to hurt your team by fouls and crowdpushing - just a fair blocks.
The only downside is that I didnt earn a lot of money and my FF doesnt like to grow either, but I hope I can handle.
Thx again and I hope for a rematch one day.”
Even it was kinda onesided, you managed to score an awesome TD in the second half when you were at 5!
I didnt want to hurt your team by fouls and crowdpushing - just a fair blocks.
The only downside is that I didnt earn a lot of money and my FF doesnt like to grow either, but I hope I can handle.
Thx again and I hope for a rematch one day.”