“Once the girl turned him down (hehe; he'll know what I mean!) he accepted my offer to pick one of my teams (his choice) and he chose much to my surprise my Chaos.
Mild Chaos for Chaos at TR200 standards but still; he could have opted for the high FF skaven with no dp or mb.
The game was nothing too spectacular. The first half I played rather poor and I could not score despite receiving but I guess I got away lightly there.
The second half Nuffle clearly decided Cloggy was the person to crap upon in a rather consistent manner.
So Cloggy is from now on my bestest buddy; anyone hated more than me by Nuffle is my very special friend!
Better luck next game mate.
(just make sure it is not vs me!)”
Mild Chaos for Chaos at TR200 standards but still; he could have opted for the high FF skaven with no dp or mb.
The game was nothing too spectacular. The first half I played rather poor and I could not score despite receiving but I guess I got away lightly there.
The second half Nuffle clearly decided Cloggy was the person to crap upon in a rather consistent manner.
So Cloggy is from now on my bestest buddy; anyone hated more than me by Nuffle is my very special friend!
Better luck next game mate.
(just make sure it is not vs me!)”