“I wasn´t even lfg when the coach of the hellfishes contacted me to ask for a game, but i had some time to spare so i took it.
11 human players, ready to fight for the Northwest.
Oh, thrower niggles out....10 then.
First half went quite well, i managed to score after some sloppy attacking by me and i lined up for the punishment. My catcher hurts himself on a dodge and a lino stays in the KO box. Down to 8.
Blizzard made the ots impossible so it was just blocks and foul, nothing happened.
2. half. A sad excuse for a match. JanMattys kills my los with 2 KO´s. Following round he Ko´s another one. Down to 5 now against 11. Scoring is just a formality and with 4 turns left i recieve. I manage to get some players back so i have 8 vs. 11 for my finishing drive.
I start reasonnably well, and both our fans execute justice on the ref. And i should have taken advantage of it but didn´t really feel like starting a foul war.
And then my grave mistake(tm) of the match shows its ugly face, leaving my thrower open for the 2dblitz. JanMattys gets the ball, stalls and scores in t8. I line up wrongly for the ots and thats it.
Thanks for the game Jan. I´m a better coach than you anyway so it doesn´t really matter..... ;)
11 human players, ready to fight for the Northwest.
Oh, thrower niggles out....10 then.
First half went quite well, i managed to score after some sloppy attacking by me and i lined up for the punishment. My catcher hurts himself on a dodge and a lino stays in the KO box. Down to 8.
Blizzard made the ots impossible so it was just blocks and foul, nothing happened.
2. half. A sad excuse for a match. JanMattys kills my los with 2 KO´s. Following round he Ko´s another one. Down to 5 now against 11. Scoring is just a formality and with 4 turns left i recieve. I manage to get some players back so i have 8 vs. 11 for my finishing drive.
I start reasonnably well, and both our fans execute justice on the ref. And i should have taken advantage of it but didn´t really feel like starting a foul war.
And then my grave mistake(tm) of the match shows its ugly face, leaving my thrower open for the 2dblitz. JanMattys gets the ball, stalls and scores in t8. I line up wrongly for the ots and thats it.
Thanks for the game Jan. I´m a better coach than you anyway so it doesn´t really matter..... ;)