A few lucky blocks in the beginning, and a failed apo later, and the game was more or less home...
My policy of not crowdpushing too much could almost have cost me the game, but who wants to injure a ST 4-blodging blitzer? Well, not me anyway...
Nice game against cool opponent. Patton took the loss of his very very cool Ogre like... well, an Ogre... I know if the tables were reversed, I'd be crying in my beer if I could hold it...
“Blutt dreg definitely came to play and the Surprises were not in top form. The game was basically over when the score was 1-0 and the Surprises has only 1 Blitzer left, and a dead Ogre, With Stephen definitely beinbg distracted and failing in his medical responsibilities.
Many desperate attempts were made to tie up the game, but it was just not meant be.
Hats off to DonTomaso, as he certainly had many chances to crowd push or foul to really put the hurt on. Best of luck the rest of the way.
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A few lucky blocks in the beginning, and a failed apo later, and the game was more or less home...
My policy of not crowdpushing too much could almost have cost me the game, but who wants to injure a ST 4-blodging blitzer? Well, not me anyway...
Nice game against cool opponent. Patton took the loss of his very very cool Ogre like... well, an Ogre... I know if the tables were reversed, I'd be crying in my beer if I could hold it...
Thanks... rematch anytime... ”