“Heh, complaining about me stalling on turn7 of 2nd half when I'm already leading the match 1-0... Well, I figured that the nasty little gobs would do far less dmg with one single blitz followed by a foul. :) And comparing the amount of blocks we made and noticing that I did only 2 casualties vs av7 while you managed to also do 2 with far less blocks (the death was by fouling, which is always nice ^^), I wouldn't complain about the luck-o-meter. :)
And whenever you feel like it, please do foul on turn 8, I also do it (when my dp isn't already kicked out and I'm not about to score). :)”
“Game marred by multiple failed dodges and GFIs and a bad ref who was clearly out to get the goblins. This game is proof that the luck meter needs to be renamed as it does not reflect the luck of the game.
Game was also marred by an unnecessary stall that was folowed up by an unnecessary goblin turn 8 foul. Oh well if someone stalls with a lead to kep me from trying an end of game pass with probably 7 goblins on the field all the power to them, I will ruin their game by attempting a foul everytime. Hey maybe one will work sometime.
LOL... I think my opponent has mistaken my complaints. I am not complaining about him. I would gladly play him again. I am relatively helpless with goblins and I want to warn people that I will do whatever I can to make them pay for stalling at the end.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
And whenever you feel like it, please do foul on turn 8, I also do it (when my dp isn't already kicked out and I'm not about to score). :)”