“3 points: Wotchagot - It is clear this little gobbo is a pro, and he was everywhere i didn't want him to be, including my endzone!
2 points: Eyeizgonnawak-u - This unusually agile ogre put his special talents to good use chucking his team mates down the field with a stunning success rate
1 point: WeeGit - although Weegit didn't score in the end, he drew a lot of fire and managed to stay alive long enough to distract the undead from the action.”
2 points: Eyeizgonnawak-u - This unusually agile ogre put his special talents to good use chucking his team mates down the field with a stunning success rate
1 point: WeeGit - although Weegit didn't score in the end, he drew a lot of fire and managed to stay alive long enough to distract the undead from the action.”