3 Votes #4 Carl Jung Cheeky little Dauntless GR. Did not like that lad.
2 Votes #10 Kaiser Wilhelm Stepped up to the plate at a tough time to clear the ball
1 Vote #5 Manfred von Richthofen Super thrower. wacked him towards the end for an SI but saved byt he APO. Was hoping to give the next opponent a break.”
“A key game for the Vermin to get their hopes of Premier in Season 14 back on track. The last time we'll play the Beasts in the Divisions, we wish them well in the Fringe.
3 votes #2 Beast Master Luca: Scored the Beasts sole TD
2 votes #4 Beast Master Terius: Threw alot of punches, and landed one solidly.
1 vote: #12 Limousin: Beasts up & comer, might cause some problems in Thunderdome. ”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
3 Votes #4 Carl Jung Cheeky little Dauntless GR. Did not like that lad.
2 Votes #10 Kaiser Wilhelm Stepped up to the plate at a tough time to clear the ball
1 Vote #5 Manfred von Richthofen Super thrower. wacked him towards the end for an SI but saved byt he APO. Was hoping to give the next opponent a break.”