CTV 2660k Chaos Dwarf
Chaos Dwarf CTV 2720k
#1 Pow Cow – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#1 Pow Cow – Smashed Knee (NI)
#7 Corn Boy – Dead (RIP)
#10 Plough Boy – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#10 Plough Boy – Smashed Knee (NI)
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We did not think hiring a star was necessary, although we did hope for some of the Cow Pow Clan niggles to miss the game, none did.
The game started of with Charmed Black on the attacking side, and at the firstkickoff roll a fan aimed a rock and hit the CowPow +ST mino straight between the horns. This resulted in a stunn for the mino, but the Blacks were not late to use the minos helpless situation, hurrying so fast to put in a foul that they left the ballcarrier unprotected.
This resulted in him getting knocked down and a blocking feast started, as both the teams were pushing and blocking to get an advantage over the loose ball that bounced around.. Charmed Black got the advantage, in a few turns they managed to BH 4 of the CowPow players, including one Bull and one +ST chaos dwarf..
But as we got greedy we rerolled into a doubleskull allowing two CowPow dwarfs to position themselfs next to our Bull that was holding the ball and waiting for permission to scoore.. But with a few nice moves, we managed to blockpush the bull outoff harms way and he could scoore the 1-0 TD in turn 8.
The second half started with the CowPow blocking and trying to avange themselfs for the first half.. But nothing helped, not even a +4 foul could penatrate the CharmedBlacks armor on this day.. Instead, this made the Blacks even more determined, and when they avenged the foul on the dwarf, they did it so good, that not even the apo was able to put the mino back togheter, instead he was carried of directly to the ripbox.
And by this time, the CowPow hogoblins started to look tired and outnumberd.. But they fought bravly still, as the Charmed Blacks tried to persuade a chaos dwarf into scooring, this fumbled with the ball for three turns making it possible for the Cowpows to pickup the ball themselfs! And they came rather close to scooring actually, as they even managed to hurl away a pass that reached a hogobling who was in scooring range.
But that was as cloose as they got, the poor hogoblin was surrounded and could not conentrate enough to make the catch. Instead the game ende 1-0.
A very lucky game for me, 7/1/1 was just too much for Candle, who played a good game, and never gave up =). Hope you get a swift recovery! ”