#3 Arf IV – Dead (RIP) #11 Hum IV – Smashed Knee (NI) #16 Well – Dead (RIP)
“When nuffle doesn't want to see you make anything, it gives those kind of result. I wasn't able to do a thing except seeing my oppenent fouling me every turn even at turn8 losing a td and even if i had only one or two players down on pitch, my lord decide to make double one twice on ofab for the few turn he played, i took cas so quickly it was ridiculous. Oh yes, i manage something : i blitzed his best gobbos with a random thrall, rolling double pow with him chosing, making a third ningling and apo failed. I think nuffle is still laughing of this game.
That was my 100th defeat, the worst of them for sure.”
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Hylv fought well but was eventually struck out towards the end.
Is this it for him? Hardly!
Still gunning for no1”