“Actually, you rolled 12 dices on the DP without getting him down, and he was setup for the blitzing intentionally :), and a reroll used on him was the reason you missed the pickup. Anyhow I did warn you about the fouling seing as I got Bribe the Ref2. I would never let such an opportunity slip, and yes I was lucky indeed, couldn't have won otherwise - seing as it was necessary because you had the (much) better team, and coaching skills where pretty equal.”
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The following terms may or may not be used in the following match report:
Bad coaching
Bad luck
Dice rape
A bit of a dice rape really heh.
The notable handicaps were Virus, Get the Ref2 and Buzzing. The other 2 I cannot remember and probably were tame.
The Dodgers started in offence and found it hard going to penetrate deep. The Falcons pressured them hard and knocked out three players and the Dodgers pushed the ball deep on the sideline with two screening players.
The Falcons sent a leaper onto the ball, 4 dice and no Pows or Dodge/Pows to spill the ball. Very lucky for the Dodgers.
Unfortunately, this was followed by a snake-eyes dodge on the way to scoring (one more 2+ dodge still needed after this one) and the Falcons recovered the ball and ran in a TD up the other end.
The Dodgers fouled a Falcons Witch Elf causing a BH. The Falcons should have fouled back, the opposing DP was down and there was a +4 foul in it (then +2/+2) but decided not to. This was costly as the Dodgers continued to use their DP during the match eventually reaping a RIP on the Falcons.
On defence, the Falcons made a mistake setting up putting both leapers on one side and the Dodgers were able to get enough players on one side and screen the ball carrier who ran through to make it 1-1.
Second half, the Falcons started in offence. They fumbled a short pass (shoulda GFI to make it a Quick Pass, oh well) and the ball was stolen and the Dodgers set up an easy score, not before fouling and causing another Badly Hurt.
Next drive, the Falcons used a RR trying to knock a player over to no avail, then rolled a 1 to pick up the ball on the sidelines. The ball went out of bounds and deep into the Dodgers half where they recovered it and had 11 players to effect a score.
The Falcons were seeing red now after being fouled three times and decided to foul back. They only got two fouls off because luckily for the Dodgers, the Falcons kept not rolling any pows or skull/pows on their DP lino who had neither block nor dodge! The Falcons lost another player to a foul (RIP on a -AG player so no biggie) and did noda but get one more pass in the game.
This game was a bit of a dice rape really. First half was certainly tough on him but he recovered to be 1-1. To sum up my first half, I rolled snakes to pick up the ball trying for a much needed SPP for my Thrower.
Second half, the fumbled pass (that would have set up a possible score) and then the lack of pows or knockdowns on his DP (8 dice at least used) and the pickup that went out of bounds gave him the game.
Well, that and me being what I thought was sporting in the first half by not fouling his DP after he fouled me since I had a large TR//TS advantage. But when he kept fouiing me, including my 2 SPP Thrower who I was trying to score with, I saw red, bright red. Even using the apoth on my DP who was only MNG to keep him in the game so I could foul back.
Luckily for him, I didn't cause any damage, but not for lack of my trying. I thought he was an ass, and he probably thought I was too for trying to maim his team, but you only push so far before people bite back.
At the end of the day, the lesson learnt by me is I should have fouled that DP early after he fouled me once. I should not have let him off the hook and thought that he was the same kind of sporting and couteous coach I was because we both played high TR/TS elf teams. Not to say that my opponent was not sporting nor courteous, just not my kind of sporting or courteous and each to their own.
On the upside, a double 5 on the 16 spp roll, and a 75 spp Lino got the MVP and did not age so a good outcome for the Falcons overall.”
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