“Well sportsfans it has taken the better part of a week to muster up the words to discribe the beating we all witnessed in the match pitting the Bruisers from Nuln, vs. the Gentleman with money.
The Human coach's blatant disregard for the more honorable aspects of the game decided to ignore the ball completely and instead strive only to hurt and maim.
Despite this dispicable act, the Noble dwarves (which ironically have been twisted and mutated, sacrificing thier very souls to Dark masters) refused to give up and managed to make it a close game.
Ah, but in the end the fickle god of luck allowed the Artillerists to narrowly escape with a win. That's my story and I am sticking to it!
Good Game Nutter, I shall return!!!! Celas shoulda let me have an orc squad, but noooo he wanted racial balance, blah blah blah... :o)”
The Human coach's blatant disregard for the more honorable aspects of the game decided to ignore the ball completely and instead strive only to hurt and maim.
Despite this dispicable act, the Noble dwarves (which ironically have been twisted and mutated, sacrificing thier very souls to Dark masters) refused to give up and managed to make it a close game.
Ah, but in the end the fickle god of luck allowed the Artillerists to narrowly escape with a win. That's my story and I am sticking to it!
Good Game Nutter, I shall return!!!! Celas shoulda let me have an orc squad, but noooo he wanted racial balance, blah blah blah... :o)”