“what a nail biter that game was... went into over time, to be tied on the last move of the 8th turn by making a crazy block/ push manuver to clear a path, then a pass complettion to a beastman and finally a GFI to make the score tied. And after all that, McCloud wins by coin toss!
Great game McCloud. Could have went either way, great coaching kept you in the game when you started with quite a deficit of TR/TS.
#11 Southern Comfort Sam – Smashed Knee (NI) #11 Southern Comfort Sam – Broken Ribs (MNG)
“It was indeed a nail biter from the beginning for me. I knew I was outgunned by player strength alone, not to mention number of players. My opponent had some bad dice , otherwise I feel confident he would have emerged victorious.
I was very shocked by the coin toss. I thought he would get it for sure.
Great game overall!”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Great game McCloud. Could have went either way, great coaching kept you in the game when you started with quite a deficit of TR/TS.
Good luck in the remainder of the tournament!