The whole game was a living proof of something: never let an ogre guarding your spare beer barrels before a match. He will end up drunken, and your norses will not have beer for refreshment during the play.
Apöcalypse spent 8 out of 16 turns puking, and when he managed to play, all he could do was pushing his adversaries from him.
And, since he drank all beer, norse players weren't able to play well... they need some more beer on their bodies. They only managed to make a TD after Inn Sterki was Knocked Out, and they got a little blood thirst. After revenge was taken, they went back to their half-hearted routine.
Let's hope coach keeps ogre away from alcohol next game.”
The Woodelfs started off very good, intercepted norse passes and ran for two fast TD's
at 1-2 in favor of the Foresters, in the second half, there´s a change in morale and they almost fumble the game towards 2-2 and ANOTHER steal by the Norse. In the end they managed to focus on the game, pulled themselves together and pushed in the final result 1-3.
Norse had two turns to get themselves some better statistics, but their attempts were foiled and the game ended with cheering WoodElfs and drunk Norsefans.
(as a footnote: The loss of fanfactor probably came from hungry, drunk and bad tempered fans of Birras Team)”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The whole game was a living proof of something: never let an ogre guarding your spare beer barrels before a match. He will end up drunken, and your norses will not have beer for refreshment during the play.
Apöcalypse spent 8 out of 16 turns puking, and when he managed to play, all he could do was pushing his adversaries from him.
And, since he drank all beer, norse players weren't able to play well... they need some more beer on their bodies. They only managed to make a TD after Inn Sterki was Knocked Out, and they got a little blood thirst. After revenge was taken, they went back to their half-hearted routine.
Let's hope coach keeps ogre away from alcohol next game.”