“My opponent barley tied a team(me) who played almost all of the second half with 4 guys. Actually, i was shorthand from turn 1 on. He was more worried about fouling the few guys i had left then actually playing, and it dam near cost him the game. Had my Storm Vermin not rolled snakeeyes on a turn 8 dodge roll, chances are good he wouldn't scored.
Fouling with a purpose = ok
Fouling for no other reason then to be a dick = Douche Bag”
If I was really being a dick don't you think I'd have a few more than 4 fouls?
I took the oppurtunity to make a few fouls, but I was never trying to be a dick.
June 11, 2006
Ok, its been a while, so i replayed the game to see if maybe a was a dick. My problem is that I don't think that my fouling had any affect on how fast I scored. I fouled on turns where everyone esle had moved except the last guy. At no point did my foul cause me to not move my go towards the endzone, and in cases where I could score, I did.
I admit i was pissed that both my gutter runners were hurt in the first half, and I felt that with both of his still active, I would still have problems winning or even tieng, even though I had twice the players he did. I had shitty luck with rolls, and was angry with the early results.
I think I would still play this the same way now, though I would hope that my coaching skill has increased since then. I don't see my fouls as being without reason. If I had hurt his gutter runners before his 2nd td, i might of had a chance to win.
But then, because I can, is a good reason. If all his guys are prone, and my ball carrier is moved, then what the hell else are my guys going to do? Stand around waiting for you to stand up? NO! We would try to hit you when you are down. Hell, it's what I would do, and I think it;s what skaven would do.
In any case I'm in the k 130 league with havok, so I'll see if he will play me ”
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Fouling with a purpose = ok
Fouling for no other reason then to be a dick = Douche Bag”