“How i won this game only nuffle can tell me. i constantly threw 1s all game. but i did have a couple of breaks to score my 2 td's. it would have been an easy victory if the dice had been fair or even a little less 1 sided but the 1s just kept coming. And to rub salt into the wounds i caused my self 3 cas with dodges and gfi's. the game was determined that i sould lose. the only thing that saved me was my strip ball guy. he was the only elf who could do anything. it was not a good game and ravno was not all that much fun to play. he weren't an asshole or anything but just not that much fun. i would gladly give him a rematch. but vi hope for a more even dice game so we can see who is really the better coach. his td was the luckiest of the game but i did have some luck with the ball scatters from my strip ball. but my ag5 players dont need good sctters. they can allmost get the ball any where. his td was given to him by 3 sets of snakes and a scattered catch. but thats bb for ya it can be a real mess.
any way thnx for game bud take care”
any way thnx for game bud take care”