Wierd match, as Belanthor said, I rolled a number of dbl skulls whereas Belanthor game off worse on the cas, with the hobs unable to withstand the 1st half blocks.
Belanthor in fairness had some very poor dice, what with his apo failing on a death to a newbie hob in the 1st turn. The turning point, I feel, was just before the end of the 1st half, no score and the st4 hob (the trouble player in my point of view) with the ball blitzed my mb slayer without block. Any other player on the pitch would have survived the av roll but yep death.
Good luck in the future Belanthor, would be cool for a rematch sometime :)
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Wierd match, as Belanthor said, I rolled a number of dbl skulls whereas Belanthor game off worse on the cas, with the hobs unable to withstand the 1st half blocks.
Belanthor in fairness had some very poor dice, what with his apo failing on a death to a newbie hob in the 1st turn. The turning point, I feel, was just before the end of the 1st half, no score and the st4 hob (the trouble player in my point of view) with the ball blitzed my mb slayer without block. Any other player on the pitch would have survived the av roll but yep death.
Good luck in the future Belanthor, would be cool for a rematch sometime :)