“Was fun game until [PA] Edgle decided to foul during 2nd half 8th turn on my Kroxi with DP, with 3 assists, when Kroxi was in no postion to gain TD or prevent one. Lucky Kroxi was k but could of gone sour. So very poor sportsmanship on [PA] Edgle part, one to watch!
So what your saying is that better to injury/RIP with +4 to armour penetration and +2 to Injury roll on your last turn not your seventh. Than perhaps me making BH roll getting up and blitzing with Kroxi with only one block dice due to your assist and getting a Pow on dice and getting only +1 to armour or injury (not both).
Hmm yeah quite stupid comments when i had a another standing Kroxi with no one in his tackle zones that could blitz anyway and did after your nasty last turn foul which was your last turn despite what you kkep saying. Yeah real smart when i could blitz you with the other one.
Why the poor sportmanship the hmmm DUH DP foul last turn with three assists. As i stated to you before heavily frown upon by nearly all coaches. So please kept trying to justify your actions you sound more stupid, instead of simply saying sorry.
Just thought I should point out a few things. It wasn't T16 - it was T15, and I really didn't feel like having one of my positionals get blitzed. Is that really 'poor sportsmanship'? *Shrug*
Last comment, cause this is silliness:
I wouldn't call it selfish as much as I would smart. Why on Earth would I give you the chance to SI another of my players? Honestly. Aside from that, you could have easily given assists and turned it into a 2D blitz.
Furthermore, the fact that you somehow think this is some kind of wierd 'revenge' theory is hilarious! Not having a single goblin that isn't niggled, has a stat drop, or dead in a game? That's amazingly good. I'd rather thank you.
And in addition, I'd like to remind you that my chainsaw was standing there. +3 to armor roll if you had knocked him down. Or my stunty players, +1 to injury roll on top of any of MB. You're just not thinking clearly. Had I decided to foul your eagle warrior, I could see you being slightly upset, even if this is a silly stunty game.
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So what your saying is that better to injury/RIP with +4 to armour penetration and +2 to Injury roll on your last turn not your seventh. Than perhaps me making BH roll getting up and blitzing with Kroxi with only one block dice due to your assist and getting a Pow on dice and getting only +1 to armour or injury (not both).
Hmm yeah quite stupid comments when i had a another standing Kroxi with no one in his tackle zones that could blitz anyway and did after your nasty last turn foul which was your last turn despite what you kkep saying. Yeah real smart when i could blitz you with the other one.
Why the poor sportmanship the hmmm DUH DP foul last turn with three assists. As i stated to you before heavily frown upon by nearly all coaches. So please kept trying to justify your actions you sound more stupid, instead of simply saying sorry.
Sounds rather selfish.