“Well, Travesty managed to pull the classic bashing 2-1 victory on the Fender Benders in this match. The Benders scored early in the first half, Travesty equalised late and then managed to drag their drive out to last the entire second half before scoring at the end. Well-executed tactical stalling. The Benders almost managed to get the ball from them halfway into the second half, but Travesty responded by taking their soft gloves of and knocking Fender Benders off the field right left and center. Fender Benders fans had knocked the ref on the head, but the players were too much of a bunch of sissies to take proper advantage of it.
Lorentz van der Winkelwankel scored his first casualty in this his 11th game by killing Travesty's major werewolf, but his glory was short-lived and the retribution of the necromantics was swift. God rest his soul.
Sehou was a skillfull and polite opponent, unfortunately i had to rush him a bit as i was a bit hurried (damned real life always has to intrude...)”
Lorentz van der Winkelwankel scored his first casualty in this his 11th game by killing Travesty's major werewolf, but his glory was short-lived and the retribution of the necromantics was swift. God rest his soul.
Sehou was a skillfull and polite opponent, unfortunately i had to rush him a bit as i was a bit hurried (damned real life always has to intrude...)”