“What can I say. I managed to score an early lucky TD. And then almost all of my players ended up either KO or BH.
Good thing to know about Gezzo: He does foul, and I don't have probelems with it, he even fouls quite hard (really doesn't make sense to foul soft, does it?) but when he didn't need to foul me anymore he didn't. He could have easily killed my team of with a few more fouls, but decided not to. For this I thank him. I think it says something about his character to not revel in destroying something for someone just because you can.
Thx Gezzo, well played, and good luck in the future...”
Good thing to know about Gezzo: He does foul, and I don't have probelems with it, he even fouls quite hard (really doesn't make sense to foul soft, does it?) but when he didn't need to foul me anymore he didn't. He could have easily killed my team of with a few more fouls, but decided not to. For this I thank him. I think it says something about his character to not revel in destroying something for someone just because you can.
Thx Gezzo, well played, and good luck in the future...”