“The dice were indeed against my opponent, who started out the first few turns with luck at 17% vs my 61%. Then again, a low TR/TS chaos team wasn't really a match for der Mannschaft.
I tried to play agressively, always threatening the ball, forcing dodges, giving away onedice blocks (with the intention of draining the few rerolls he had), and in the course made a few mistakes here and there but was compensated by my excellent rolls.
I also forgot to buy an apothecary last night, and it cost me a lino. Oh well, lesson learnt: don't drink and play. Or at least figure out why you've got so much cash in the bank before starting a match.
Thanks for the match, Wolfrider_DK. And hope you have a good time here at fumbbl. :)”
I tried to play agressively, always threatening the ball, forcing dodges, giving away onedice blocks (with the intention of draining the few rerolls he had), and in the course made a few mistakes here and there but was compensated by my excellent rolls.
I also forgot to buy an apothecary last night, and it cost me a lino. Oh well, lesson learnt: don't drink and play. Or at least figure out why you've got so much cash in the bank before starting a match.
Thanks for the match, Wolfrider_DK. And hope you have a good time here at fumbbl. :)”