“Against my own judgement allowed my self to trick me into this game.
I figured that only 1 tackle would be nowhere near enough vs all them blodgy lasses. On top of which 4 mb's seemed rather cruel considering i had suffered 2 deaths only 1 game before.
Well; I had not foreseen one major thing;
I was lucky. Not terribly but most certainly enough when it mattered.
In his second turn he failed a gfi leaving open a gap in which I could blitz his ballcarrier. Even if I could not protect the ball properly myself I hoped the extra muscle in the forms of Rotters plus guards would make enough of a difference in the end. The dodgy lasses sacked my poor tackler with the ball and decided not to try and pick it up but surround the ball for the moment.
But after the dust cleared in my turn after the same pesky tackling beastman had the ball once again. This time his blitz on the ballcarrier failed to bring him down and he could blitz himself free. He was sacked once again but by now the ball was on his half. A few turns later the Beast shielded the ball with his tentacles and I opted to try and pick it up with a Rotter. The ST4 and foul appearance would add extra protection him I imagined.
But that was not needed. Casually he could stroll to the endzone for a nice T8 score. No gfi needed, nor stalling.
The second half saw a touchback to my rookie Rotter whom did not make it to the endzone but someone else did. Far less exciting this half was thus my report a bit shorter. ;-) ”
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I figured that only 1 tackle would be nowhere near enough vs all them blodgy lasses. On top of which 4 mb's seemed rather cruel considering i had suffered 2 deaths only 1 game before.
Well; I had not foreseen one major thing;
I was lucky. Not terribly but most certainly enough when it mattered.
In his second turn he failed a gfi leaving open a gap in which I could blitz his ballcarrier. Even if I could not protect the ball properly myself I hoped the extra muscle in the forms of Rotters plus guards would make enough of a difference in the end. The dodgy lasses sacked my poor tackler with the ball and decided not to try and pick it up but surround the ball for the moment.
But after the dust cleared in my turn after the same pesky tackling beastman had the ball once again. This time his blitz on the ballcarrier failed to bring him down and he could blitz himself free. He was sacked once again but by now the ball was on his half. A few turns later the Beast shielded the ball with his tentacles and I opted to try and pick it up with a Rotter. The ST4 and foul appearance would add extra protection him I imagined.
But that was not needed. Casually he could stroll to the endzone for a nice T8 score. No gfi needed, nor stalling.
The second half saw a touchback to my rookie Rotter whom did not make it to the endzone but someone else did. Far less exciting this half was thus my report a bit shorter. ;-)