“Dem Kemri boyz iz week. We'z showed dem all da sides of da pitch, and we'z 'urt a number o' them, and dey did nuffin back till da end of da game when dey punched Nurrock inna face when 'ee wurn't lookin'.
Wez is fasta, tuffa, an' more stompy dan anyun! An' dead 'ard too!
No cas for the Khemri. Not even a KO. The Dodge Thro-ras didn't succeed a single dodge (he got one chance for a dodge for TD which failed). First half Jeppan got through my defences and had me down and out, even with all my player still on pitch, and started happily stalling. Somehow I made the requisite dodges and GFIs and forced the dodge, with the aforementioned result.
Second half was great for me, and bad for Jeppan. Got Blitz!, covered the ball, my thrower stood firm against a 3d block, my side stepper annoyed him around the ball as well, then I hit a couple of cas and that was it.
A fun game, just not what I was expecting.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Wez is fasta, tuffa, an' more stompy dan anyun! An' dead 'ard too!
No cas for the Khemri. Not even a KO. The Dodge Thro-ras didn't succeed a single dodge (he got one chance for a dodge for TD which failed). First half Jeppan got through my defences and had me down and out, even with all my player still on pitch, and started happily stalling. Somehow I made the requisite dodges and GFIs and forced the dodge, with the aforementioned result.
Second half was great for me, and bad for Jeppan. Got Blitz!, covered the ball, my thrower stood firm against a 3d block, my side stepper annoyed him around the ball as well, then I hit a couple of cas and that was it.
A fun game, just not what I was expecting.”