“Was a good game, better than i would have thought playing such a tough team and getting some cruddy luck. I also made a few minor tactical errors so all in all a 1 TD loss is not so bad. Looking forward to getting my TS up enough for a really good rematch;) Good luck to malthor in the UI, not that he needs it:)”
“Luck meter out due to a turn 4.5 first half disconnection at which point both teams were having cruddy rolls - 45-35 luck in the Blood Falcons' favour. The replay only starts from there as well.
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The following terms may or may not be used in the following match report:
Bad coaching
Bad luck
Dice rape
The Woodies started in offence and effected a quick score and the Faclons replied quicky in return.
At 1-1 the Woodies had some horrid luck. Their drugged up Wardancer blitzed down one side to create a gap, but then failed a 2+ dodge (snakes) and stunned himself early. The Falcons pushed multiple players through the Woodies backfield and scooped up the ball. The Woodies knocked the ball loose but it it scattered onto a Falcons witch who caught the ball.
The Falcons scored to take a 2-1 lead but were unable to stop the Woodies from replying (forced a 3+ pass and 2 GFI but that was about the hardest I could make it).
In the second half, the Falcons started in offence and a quick snap gave them a great advantage, putting them in position to KO one Woodies Wardancer and stunning the other. A team RR was used to catch the ball and so the Falcons delayed scoring by one turn rather than risking a GFI.
The Woodies had a difficult next drive as they had largely ineffectual blocks on the line of scrimmage. They managed to get 5 players through one side but they were put under heavy pressure by Falcons defenders who swarmed all over them.
The Woodies were forced to try a difficult play. It was made harder when their hand off to start needed a reroll to pull off (good old 1). The Woodies then made a 2+ dodge without RR, avoided a 6+ intercept, and made a 4+ catch (with Catch reroll) and a 2+ dodge (with Dodge reroll) to tie the scores.
With half of the second period remaining, the Blood Falcons were receiving only to face a Blitz! The Woodies sent players through the Blood Falcons line, catching the ball with 2 supporting players and a 3 others screening. The Falcons had to use a leaper to hit the ball carrier (in my own fricking half on my own fricking possession!). There was a friendlyish scatter (it was still next to one Woodies who was pushed away) and the Falcons recovered the ball, tossed it wide and ran it deep.
The Woodies had committed nearly everyone forwards on the bltz and sent a Wardancer back and a lineman who was tackled and KO'd.
With the Woodie Wardancer on one wing, the Falcons swung the ball to the other wing to give the ball to a lineman who only had 18 spp.
The Woodies sent more players back in defence, but the Falcons stunned their Wardancer, and with no leapers in range, the Falcons caged the ball to delay a turn before scoring.
With only one turn left, the Woodies were unable to score on the next possession and the Falcons secured a win.
A very tight close game. My opponent's speed made him my offense very difficult as I had to keep the ball deep. I was helped a lot by his poor dice rolling - he had 44 luck for the last 12 turns, and 35 for the first 4.
Then the Blitz! helped me too in a way. Sure it was a difficult ball to recover and I had a nice scatter roll, but my opponent also sent so many players back I was able to delay first one turn, then a second when I got the lucky stun on his drugged Str4 Wardancer.
Anyways, no permanent injuries and some cash for both of us and we both got a +AG advance! I also made a 51 roll with my Str 4 player so a great result.
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