“Two teams in bad need of recovery, me with 3 MNG and he with 2.
I got totally owned by injury rolls. It happens when you are an elf. Too sad that the handicap had to be Bribe the ref 2, leaving his DP open to kick and kick until further notice. Total fouls in our recovery game: 2 vs 7. Evil game.
5 cas at halftime, and 1-1 score meant no way out. I started with more players with more skills and ended up a puching bag. Especially hard when I failed to pick up the ball.
And another star gone - Bursera killed by a foul.
After winning second half 3-0 with me doing nothing, damage still saw it fit to kick my player at turn 16. So I guess he really doesn't like people.
TR drop another 30 - brings it to 123 down in 2 games.”
I got totally owned by injury rolls. It happens when you are an elf. Too sad that the handicap had to be Bribe the ref 2, leaving his DP open to kick and kick until further notice. Total fouls in our recovery game: 2 vs 7. Evil game.
5 cas at halftime, and 1-1 score meant no way out. I started with more players with more skills and ended up a puching bag. Especially hard when I failed to pick up the ball.
And another star gone - Bursera killed by a foul.
After winning second half 3-0 with me doing nothing, damage still saw it fit to kick my player at turn 16. So I guess he really doesn't like people.
TR drop another 30 - brings it to 123 down in 2 games.”