“This match was not that much about skill, but far more about the abyssmal luck Nuffle deciced to lay unto my opponent. I know complaining about bad luck sexual harassment of dice is not done, but I guess it's ok if the opposing coach does it for you.
Knight25's luck was terrible. His dice throws were mostly 1's or 2's. (Even with an AG4 beastman, this doesn't get you much in the poaring rain.) He had all the bad luck of the world compressed in one match.
All the kick-off events went my way, with 1 exception. Ofcourse, the extra RR that got Knight25 he had to spent in the turn immediately afterwards.
On the positive side: he took his luck, or the lack of it, in good spirits and with real sportsmanship. I can recommend him to any to play. He is a nice coach and a fun guy to play.
I can only feel sorry for the next coach to play him, as the next match must be awesome for Knight25. It has to be to balance out this one.
Good luck with the team and remember those chain push options.”
Knight25's luck was terrible. His dice throws were mostly 1's or 2's. (Even with an AG4 beastman, this doesn't get you much in the poaring rain.) He had all the bad luck of the world compressed in one match.
All the kick-off events went my way, with 1 exception. Ofcourse, the extra RR that got Knight25 he had to spent in the turn immediately afterwards.
On the positive side: he took his luck, or the lack of it, in good spirits and with real sportsmanship. I can recommend him to any to play. He is a nice coach and a fun guy to play.
I can only feel sorry for the next coach to play him, as the next match must be awesome for Knight25. It has to be to balance out this one.
Good luck with the team and remember those chain push options.”