I was all pleased with myself when I had made five crowdpushes in the first four turns but not even a KO! After that the green fellows started hitting back a lot smashing through the armour of my poor stunties like it was made of paper.
I was down to 7 players when the overtime started and the ranchers got to receive but a BLITZ gave me hope. Just for a short while though as four more dwarfs where KO'd and cas'ed in the next two turns. Very heavy handed those little buggers!
“Good Game. My best to TinkyWinky on a hard fought game. The Ranchers went a bit pow-crazy there removing alot of dwarves, with 6 casualties, by the end of OT. I dont feel bad because I hate all Teletubbies, except for TinkyWinky of course.”
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I was all pleased with myself when I had made five crowdpushes in the first four turns but not even a KO! After that the green fellows started hitting back a lot smashing through the armour of my poor stunties like it was made of paper.
I was down to 7 players when the overtime started and the ranchers got to receive but a BLITZ gave me hope. Just for a short while though as four more dwarfs where KO'd and cas'ed in the next two turns. Very heavy handed those little buggers!
I wish Keggie all the best in the quarterfinals!”