Tough match this one. Always knew it was going to be. Without a wizard, we were always going to stuggle to pull off a win (probably should have put up the cash and taken one I guess).
As often seems to be the case, our offence was poor - leaving it until it seemed to be too late before pulling off a little bit of arse with a long pass from the catcher to the thrower (RR was already used on a GFI to get the thrower clear). It worked, and we scored in turn 8 (nothing like leaving it to the nick of time).
In the second half, we still had plenty of numbers ... but the dwarves started to really put the boot in, and grind us down inflicting several KOs, as well as a few injuries - after already losing the throwe in the first half, and using the apoth to save the SF/guard blitzer, we couldn't really take the damage. A couple of attempts to bust the cage were easily thwarted, and it was no surprise when the orcs scored in turn 8.
If i'd done it right, I could've had a go at a 1-turner (got quick snap to help out), but I messed up the positioning, so it wasn't to be - doh! Ah well, a good match, and a score that was probably deserving for both teams.
------------------- Twahnlow Votes -------------------
3 pts - #5 Colin Sanders
Maybe he didn't have the toughest role on the team, but he kept his hands on the ball (despite the weather), and stayed well out of harms way. Never panicked when there was the possibility of danger, and took the ball from one end of the pitch to the other.
2 pts - #11 Tactic "The Dirty Dwarf" Gedran
Lots of blicks, lots of stuns (even a cas in there somewhere). His performance was marred only by rolling up some double skulls at a bad moment.
1 pt - #2 Slayer Stephen
As well as killing our star thrower (you're meant to be a "troll" slayer, not an "everything that moves" slayer dammit), this guy put out a surprising number of stuns/kos, and generally made a mess of the girls.
0 pts - All those damn foulers
They certainly did what they were supposed to, and cleared the pitch pretty effectively (the DP inflicted a KO, a BH and a SI, "the rest" inflicted 2 stuns and another KO). Did their jobs, but fouling isn't worthy of Twahnlow votes dammit! ;-)
(FYI: previously i have given votes to DPs ... but have recently decided that it's not really something to be rewarded/celebrated in the twahnlows)”
Tough match this one. Always knew it was going to be. Without a wizard, we were always going to stuggle to pull off a win (probably should have put up the cash and taken one I guess).
As often seems to be the case, our offence was poor - leaving it until it seemed to be too late before pulling off a little bit of arse with a long pass from the catcher to the thrower (RR was already used on a GFI to get the thrower clear). It worked, and we scored in turn 8 (nothing like leaving it to the nick of time).
In the second half, we still had plenty of numbers ... but the dwarves started to really put the boot in, and grind us down inflicting several KOs, as well as a few injuries - after already losing the throwe in the first half, and using the apoth to save the SF/guard blitzer, we couldn't really take the damage. A couple of attempts to bust the cage were easily thwarted, and it was no surprise when the orcs scored in turn 8.
If i'd done it right, I could've had a go at a 1-turner (got quick snap to help out), but I messed up the positioning, so it wasn't to be - doh! Ah well, a good match, and a score that was probably deserving for both teams.
------------------- Twahnlow Votes -------------------
3 pts - #5 Colin Sanders
Maybe he didn't have the toughest role on the team, but he kept his hands on the ball (despite the weather), and stayed well out of harms way. Never panicked when there was the possibility of danger, and took the ball from one end of the pitch to the other.
2 pts - #11 Tactic "The Dirty Dwarf" Gedran
Lots of blicks, lots of stuns (even a cas in there somewhere). His performance was marred only by rolling up some double skulls at a bad moment.
1 pt - #2 Slayer Stephen
As well as killing our star thrower (you're meant to be a "troll" slayer, not an "everything that moves" slayer dammit), this guy put out a surprising number of stuns/kos, and generally made a mess of the girls.
0 pts - All those damn foulers
They certainly did what they were supposed to, and cleared the pitch pretty effectively (the DP inflicted a KO, a BH and a SI, "the rest" inflicted 2 stuns and another KO). Did their jobs, but fouling isn't worthy of Twahnlow votes dammit! ;-)
(FYI: previously i have given votes to DPs ... but have recently decided that it's not really something to be rewarded/celebrated in the twahnlows)”