“What a game. It had everything. First very sunny, then Swelthering Heat and to top it of Blizzard. the weather gods must had gone mad. And besides the poor weather conditions there where a lot of 1's, everywhere. First it happened to me then poor danoman got the curse of the elves. It was a really funny game, despite his Kill on my Guardlino in the first turn : ).
it was funny because all our bad luck made the game very open until i finally had Nuffle on my side. If I failed the easy things i sure as hell manage to do everything right with the hard stuff. Like 5-6 dodges into tz picking the ball up and throwing a long bomb over his player to score a nice td.
it was funny because all our bad luck made the game very open until i finally had Nuffle on my side. If I failed the easy things i sure as hell manage to do everything right with the hard stuff. Like 5-6 dodges into tz picking the ball up and throwing a long bomb over his player to score a nice td.
Funny game and a fun coach to play againt.”