“Luck stat due to last turn reload, one off 7 total, it was a measure of how nice a guy ElGuappo is that despite the huge amount of diconnects due to bad cable connection, and some out of sync reloads i still really enjoyed the game.
the game probably would have ended 2-2 but for the first half out of sync reload gifting a score to the chaos horde, but these things happen sometimes and El played well.
had the worst run of dice ever with 6 skulls rolled in 5 2db including 2 double skulls (run was push/skull, push/skull, double skull push/pow double skull.) but somehow El managed to roll equally badly in the same turns to allow me to get away with it.
Oh and if anyone hears about Telewest Broadband getting hit by Military ordanace it wasn't us and yes we do have alibi's ”
the game probably would have ended 2-2 but for the first half out of sync reload gifting a score to the chaos horde, but these things happen sometimes and El played well.
had the worst run of dice ever with 6 skulls rolled in 5 2db including 2 double skulls (run was push/skull, push/skull, double skull push/pow double skull.) but somehow El managed to roll equally badly in the same turns to allow me to get away with it.
Oh and if anyone hears about Telewest Broadband getting hit by Military ordanace it wasn't us and yes we do have alibi's ”