3 Votes - Little Bit of Rage
Despite being heavily marked by tackle blitzers and lined up by and MB tackle one at every opportunity, Rage managed to niggle away in defence nicely in the first half. But in the second when the ball went to the dead ones, Rage truly shone, running rings around bemused Orcs like a very excited puppy with a tennis ball. Nothing could touch him.
2 Votes - Yet More Blood
Could be said to be the only Ancients player who seemed to be in his element in the cross-country brawl that was the first half.
1 Vote - Kill Junior
Played sidekick to both Yet More and Rage as they did their thing. Invaluable support.
All that DP field time and I was unable to sink the boot into a single wolf !
Well played Theo...this game was a draw bar a miclicky type thing at the end there.
3 Votes - Little Bit of Rage
Despite being heavily marked by tackle blitzers and lined up by and MB tackle one at every opportunity, Rage managed to niggle away in defence nicely in the first half. But in the second when the ball went to the dead ones, Rage truly shone, running rings around bemused Orcs like a very excited puppy with a tennis ball. Nothing could touch him.
2 Votes - Yet More Blood
Could be said to be the only Ancients player who seemed to be in his element in the cross-country brawl that was the first half.
1 Vote - Kill Junior
Played sidekick to both Yet More and Rage as they did their thing. Invaluable support.
All that DP field time and I was unable to sink the boot into a single wolf !
Well played Theo...this game was a draw bar a miclicky type thing at the end there.