#5 James Hunt – Broken Ribs (MNG) #5 James Hunt – Smashed Knee (NI)
“Hehe, the skaven wanted a retirement match, but used their best armor today. 63 blocks (44 with MB) plus 5 fouls with DP and I only get one casualty. The rats scored a TD out of a Blitz! on my receiving drive, then I score just before half time only for the rats to score 1-2 easily. They got the ref in the last drive and made good use of it. :)
Congrats, Jinxed... your dice don't fail when you're asking for retirement... perhaps you should repeat that trick more often? :)
Congrats, Jinxed... your dice don't fail when you're asking for retirement... perhaps you should repeat that trick more often? :)
See you at a rematch!”