“<torsoboy> hi, are your chaos available for a match with my vamps?
<torsoboy> in unranked?
<Plorg> ???!?
<torsoboy> your chaos seems to be the only team with ff 15 or higher
<Plorg> you're asking for your 120/86 vamps vs my 215/203 chaos?
<torsoboy> yas
<Plorg> well
<torsoboy> i could use the money
<Plorg> ok
<Plorg> start in 5 minutes?
<torsoboy> shall i host?
<torsoboy> yes, i need to pee
<torsoboy> ###.##.##.###
<torsoboy> 8080
<torsoboy> how about we make a bet
<torsoboy> if you can't clear the field by turn 16, I choose one player of yours to be retired
<Plorg> hmnm
<Plorg> don't know if i have enough damage modifiers for that
<torsoboy> to keep it interesting
<torsoboy> ok
<torsoboy> you choose one of your players to be retired then
<torsoboy> seems a fair deal, for playing such an easy match?
<torsoboy> :)
<Plorg> sure
<torsoboy> alrighty
<torsoboy> server's up
Pitch cleared: turn 15”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
A bit too bad Plorg is one of them silent types... perhaps he was concentrating really hard? Thanks for the match!”