“Very entertaining match against the nasty rats from venuskukko. Almost everything worked for the Powerfists who were able to stop the skavens offense in the first half and sneak in the touchdown with half-time. After the break the orcs didnĀ“t waste any time and scored middle of the second half. The rats earned their only touchdown in the match afterwards (and hey, the first touchdown against the Powerfists). On the next kick-off venus rolled a blitz but the ball landed on the los - and my blitzer catched it! Three turns left and the blitz (the skavens tried to put almost all players as close as possible beside the Powerfists) were enough for the orcs to score a 3rd time. Man of match was Seram Silverzen, who scored the first and the last touchdown and a cas.
After match reports: the Powerfists are proud to announce that from now on a Troll plays for em. Also a Goblin, but thhhhhhh *crunch*”
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The rats are proud to announce that they now, after 3 games have an apothecary!! No more mr. splat rat”