Turn 2, Pale Horse BHs the Troll. Regen fails. Pale Horse Scores.
Pale Horse broke armor like paper the 1st half.... Meanwhile, Isaac Nightstalker's claw/rsc was unable to break armor... rolling combinations of 1s & 2s.
In the end of the 1st half, the Iron Claws managed to wrestle back the ball, and make it in the endzone.
The 2nd half they were not so fortunate to hold the ball. Superior blocking and agility allowed a turn over, and Iron Horse easily scored.
About then, Nightstalker started firing up. he managed a CAS on turn 8, then 3 more in the 2nd half.
For the final drive to tie, 5 of the Iron claws were overheated (2 CW).
Pale horse stopped the Iron Claws on Turn 16.
Great Job Celas!”
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Loads of fun. No stalling. Always a pleasure BillyB.
Apoth is no fun though. Two games in a row he failed to heal a WD....”