“Key moment early in game: Woods on control and ...
DODGE BEFORE RE_ROLL: Blitzschlag knocked over trying to dodge.
TARGET: 2 --- ROLL: 1 + 0 = 1
Team re-roll used.
TARGET: 2 --- ROLL: 1 + 0 = 1
Blitzschlag is knocked over.
(4, 5) + 0, (6, 4) + 0, 5: Blitzschlag has been seriously injured!!
(51) Damaged Back - Niggling Injury
Move ended for Blitzschlag
(1) Apothecary FAILS!
And one blitz later it was 1-0 to the rats. From that point it just got worse for the woods. All cas made in first half, making the second a formality
This is a cruel game. Sorry mate”
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