“Rolled over those humans, was quite lucky and his dice were bad. Another non-permanent casualty match, so it was very welcome. FF increase, MB on stormvermin, and another notch on the win record. Nothing to complain about. ;)
Thanks Apanserdig, hope we have a better rematch!”
“The skaven quickly sent Totenkopf, Heinkelfaust and Worster into the Badly Hurt booth. This made defending against the side stepping gutter runners excedingly hard.
Not only out numbered, but also outwitted, the Sluggers didn't stand much of a chance.
The two goals made by the Sluggers were mainly due to temporary skaven foul-ups, leaving room for a blitz and sprint touchdown.
The last one seemed more like a give away, as the ratmen didn't do much to stop it. Probably because they wanted to flaunt their skills at doing block push last chance touchdown.
Despite suffering three casualties, there were no serious injuries, and thanks to the apothecary, no deaths.
Götze made good use of his newfound strength, but sadly enough got weaker with age as he learned a thing or two about guarding.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Thanks Apanserdig, hope we have a better rematch!”