“What a game sports fans! This one had it all! Mayhem, death and a goblin scorer! Meatbag da weak! What a hero!
The Blitz Runts Jr. Squad was down 1-0 but thanks to that lucky lucky gobo Meatbag it turned in to a magnificent 1-1 draw.
Meatbag jumped to his feet, blitzed the poor orc lineman holding the ball, knocked him down(!) picked up the ball and went for it to score a beautiful game tying touch down!
One thing is certain, Meatbag da weak won't be killed and eaten by his teammates tonight.
Oh and Stink Face got killed by some fans after being pushed into the stands...
/Mr Foulscumm ”
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The Blitz Runts Jr. Squad was down 1-0 but thanks to that lucky lucky gobo Meatbag it turned in to a magnificent 1-1 draw.
Meatbag jumped to his feet, blitzed the poor orc lineman holding the ball, knocked him down(!) picked up the ball and went for it to score a beautiful game tying touch down!
One thing is certain, Meatbag da weak won't be killed and eaten by his teammates tonight.
Oh and Stink Face got killed by some fans after being pushed into the stands...
/Mr Foulscumm ”