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Match Result · League division
Match recorded on 2006-06-20 20:29:55
CTV 1680k Orc
Winnings 50k
No change Dedicated Fans
Casualties 3/1/0
Human CTV 1630k
50k Winnings
Fanfactor No change
0/0/1 Casualties
Player Performances

#9 shakir – Dead (RIP)
Player Performances
The dices keep rolling their funny route for coach goforitandfail!

(Skulls and doubleskulls in that ball relating situations, failed BH rolls in a row, failed pick ups, failed QP, failed catches, 2 DB in your favour performed by non-blocking oppositions not failing once...)
You name it, it did happen in this game but that really all was just the frosting on the cake. ;p

What really was annoying was that non skilled thrower by the foreign name of "8210 ali" performing 6 successful +4 rolls straight in a row involving several blitzes. Including a 6 dodge and 3 of those +4 rolls in one turn alone (its not like he even needed to reroll a fair amount of them). Every last one of it in ballsecuring/ retrieving situations!

I will rant about the debacle in the following in the hopes a dutiful fumbbler will read it and might decide to go on a mission to end the ludicrous existence this nasty git was leading hidden from the public for too long now!
At least all fumbblers, shell, and will be warned to ever cross the way of this pesky greenskin:

Orcs won the coin toss and choosed to receive. As Cicelys upcoming kicker Adam placed the ball his fans totally lost it and got the ref! Not daunted a bit one of the blackorcs began the offense. With a mighty blow he sent off linewoman Ruth-Anne Miller with a BH on the games first action.
Was this a sign that nuffle might grant an even match this time...or an evenly disaster at least so to say?
Another bob continued the attack, and though not being trained in the block skill, succeeded the block. Dauntless Blitzer "super mand" went to blitz Zug. Maybe a bit too self-confident now the orcs forgot to lend an assist.

It wouldnt have helped anyways. The sight of the Mighty Zug looking down to the miserable greenskin was just too much to bare - failing his dauntless roll the humans were presented with a skull!

With high hopes the human prepared to exploit the turnover as good as possible. Zug went over to blitz the MB bob.
Safe things first the blitzers slipped through the hole created, entering "Zendiums" half and putting tz on the orcs, making sure they would have a hard time reaching the ball again. Two catchers were quickly sent deep into the orcs half. One to occupy the thrower, one to guard the ball.
Ogre "Jesse" was helplessly boneheaded so not able to go for crowdpushs possible in the following turns.

Still the ball was very safe from the orcs!

The orcs continued with their bloodthirstiness, going for every block possible! In the progress two lineman were knocked down in the green moshpit the LoS had become, but not hurt.
The blitz was safed for thower "8210 ali" who was the only one in reach for the ball. Pushing back the catcher which was sent after him he went for the ball and with two +4 dodges and a +4 pick up he grabbed the ball!

It showed, this just set the start to another cursed day for Cicelys coach!

"Jesse" went to assist a blitzer on a block. Causing a KO that blitzer was now free for important jobs further on. Zug went to teach "super mand" how its done but his blitz was a pansy pushback only! He let off and turned back over to the prone bob instead, preparing for a possible crowdpush. A foul did not succeed due to lacking assists. Now SF blitzer "Barbara Semanski" quickly went after that pesky thrower, guarding the block that should follow!

Ali got sent to the turf sucessfully, so the 2nd catcher could pick up and with all orcs on the LoS and the TZs carefully placed the ball should be safely ours for good!

Should be, should be....

The orcs blocked what was in reach, KOing a further lineman so a bob and a blitzer were free to go after the ball, which they slowly did. Thrower "8210 ali" (for the ease of understanding we will just refer to him as "nasty ali" in the following...) decided now was the right time to continue with his ridiculous actions!

Dodging out with his 4th succeeded +4 roll in a row he blitzed my ballcarrier down on the "Zendiums" last action.

Cicelys fans still cheering maniacaly throwed the ball back into the orcs half, just a few squares away from their teams ogre and blitzer. Cicely secured the ball with the ogre while a blitzer went to block the way for the three lonely orcs remotely in reach for the ball. One catcher joined him while another picked up the ball, running across the whole half to the other side he was safe to stall it away for some turns now!
With only 3 block skilled players on the orcs side, Zug on the team and outnumbering the orcs with guard and mb by far(!) the humans should be safe to exploit the absent ref now finally as well as causing a bit of the general mayhem!

How completely wrong i was...
In the following turn another lineman was BH on a foul and lacking block did not stop the bob from sending off SF blitzer "Barbara Semanski" with another BH...

Despite taking several blocks with their guard, mb blitzers and Zug the humans however werent able to hit any of the non-blocking orcs at all! But the two catchers were still out of reach for 1-2 turns. Having rerolls and them lacking skills for too long now the coach decided to command a quick pass. Well, the rerolls didnt help, as didnt catch...

On the greenskins turn the unskilled bobs continued to succeed their blocks against the trained human blitzers. Luckily a fouling orc blitzer didnt break armour and was sent off the pitch.

My left blitzers and Zug however, this time, werent even able to knock somebody over.
Still with the ball being relatively safe though the coach scratched his thick skull and decided to do another quick pass attempt....well, failed again. ;)

Once again "nasty ali" was the only one who could reach for my two catchers so he went for the blitz.
Pushback to be followed by a another succeeded 4+ pickup in my tz.
For the record it was the 5th roll of that kind now straight in a row - how nasty!

Ogre "Jesse" all of a sudden decided to take part in the game again after standing around picking his nose totally boneheaded for 3 times in a row in this rather crucial situation!
So he went over to occupy the bobs which finally made it far enough to reach the ball on their next turn.
Blitzing "nasty ali" Cicely gladly took the chance to push the pesky git to the sidelines.
At this point the coach finally accepted that a QP wasnt likely to happen today. Being free to score he now ordered one of the catchers to pickup the ball and just score asap! Unfortunately the rerolled pickup wasnt better than the first attempt.

With the ball in 3 TZs and only ali in reach (and in those TZs as well) it should still be fairly safe to score eh?

Well, "annoying ali" just stood up and made that 6 dodge without any problem.
It was also his 6th crucial roll now (+4 at least) that succeeded straight in a row, really funny isnt it? ;p
Surprisingly enough he did not make the +4 pick up this time.

Dont sweat it though, Nuffle had better plans for his little darling anyway! Ball went out and so the crowd throwed the ball all the way from deep within the orcs half right into the front of their horde which was mauling my left over blitzers and Zug in my half!

To make it short, coach Klatten continued the risky actions. But who could really blame him with those crazy dices.
This time though he failed the 2 DB with his non-blocking bobs he chosed to take as the first actions instead of careing after the ball (he was in scoring range). Turn 7 now so he couldnt score anymore at least.

Nothing more spectacular happened. A foul with plenty assists couldnt do any serious damage to our beloved sweetheart that goes by the odd name of "8210 ali". A KO was all Nuffle granted!

2nd half 9 humans facing 11 orcs. Though the green ones performed what they call "perfect defense" Cicely scored with ease on turn 2 and aside a killed gobbo nothing really worth mentioning happened this time.

The following orcish offense, once more, was more driven by bloodthirsting frenzy than by thoughtfulness.

As a result a blitzer was free to move into their half for further jobs and catcher "Maggie O'Connell" went to occupy the ballcarrier (nasty ali of course...). With only one dodge another blitzer was able to take a 2 DB on him, which knocked him straight flat on his arse (remember, its not like ali needs the block skill usually...).

Swiftly catcher "Ed Chigliak" went for the ball but messed up the pick up (rr i think)!

The green ones followed their path, instead of looking after the ball first, they took the 2 DB with their non-blocking bobs as first actions but oddly enough KOed a blitzer and a lino with ease.

But ended messing up the pick up as well.

Though now being hopelessly outnumbered and occupied, Cicely didnt stop to push for the win!
Somehow they still managed a desperate 2 DB blitz in an attempt to free the ball of a tz.
If only they could pick up after it they should be relatively safe to get out of reach!

The blitzer only managed a pushback though, which didnt help and the rerolled double skull finally put an end to that brave attempt for good...

Orc blitzer "super mand" picked up now and went for the endzone.
In an attempt to stop him Zug burned the teams last reroll on the last needed gfi to a blitz.
But wiith Zug and another blitzer on his trail now the orc resisted the temptation to stall and scored on T6 - 1:1!
That left Cicely with 2 turns to score and win the game. Unfortunately those last 2 turns were just like a résumé of the whole game.

With no rerolls on both sides, 8 battered humans entered the pitch and prepared for their offense...
It was just lingering in the air again, blitz!

On the other hand "Zendiums" kicker presented us with a touchback and luckily the slow paced orc couldnt make much use of the blitz. Zug messed up his blitz in attempt to punch a hole through the orcish defense.
Luckily the blitzers did better so Cicely somehow was able to break through with 2 players, which, in scoring range for the ballcarrying catcher, quickly formed a cage on the sideline .

On their 8th turn "Zendium" went for another of those blitzes with their bob and of course succeeded, heavily occupying Cicelys desperate cage.

Only option left for Cicely now was a 1 DB with their blodging catcher against this non-blocking bob.
Only needing a pushback it was possibe and then they would be safe to score without a dodge or gfi!

Significant to say the last action of the game was a skull and so the game was decided.

Why this streak of funny dices for at least 5-6 games in a row now Cicelys Coach was pondering himself afterwards. Have i done anything wrong that did upset the BBowl gods? Is there anything positive in this or is it really just plain evil evilness from Nuffles side!?

Well, it may be painful to admit but i guess theres still something to learn from it.
Never take the slightest risk when the dices roll against you in a crucial and obvious manner.
Also, after all those strange dices lately i got to the point where i actually started to laugh about it rather then to whine - therefore still could enjoy the match to a fair degree.
It just got so much that really anybody should be able to value the humour in it! :p

That being said, i learned my lesson and i sure had my laughs but still i wouldnt complain if, in the nearer future, Nuffle might decide to roll some normal dices our way again. :)
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