“The first game for the Brewers and the first opponent added to their Book of Grudges.
Peace and Pain played a really tough game and it was a real battle through out the entire match. Early on two of my Longbeards were badly hurt and later Kragg Death-Seeker would join them.
At times it seemed like the Grudge Brewers would get overwelmed but they remained calm and toughed it out. Defence was strong but they really never looked close to scoring.
The Grudge Brewers are definetly looking for a re-match against the hated elves.
“Peace and Pain are happy with the result of their first outing against a dwarf side.
Coach(on Dwarves) - "stout little buggers aren't they, we were throwing everything we had at them and they barely moved. One lucky breakthrough was enough to secure the win though!"
The rematch could be very different story though...”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Peace and Pain played a really tough game and it was a real battle through out the entire match. Early on two of my Longbeards were badly hurt and later Kragg Death-Seeker would join them.
At times it seemed like the Grudge Brewers would get overwelmed but they remained calm and toughed it out. Defence was strong but they really never looked close to scoring.
The Grudge Brewers are definetly looking for a re-match against the hated elves.
Mr Foulscumm”