#3 Sweetstub Hungryfeet – Smashed Knee (NI) #11 Piggins the Saddinner – Dead (RIP)
“'flings got an extra big dose of luck at the end to win this match. With the ball surrounded on the sideline, his thrower goes to pick it up but muffs it out of bounds. The ball is thrown back towards the middle of the pitch and in reach of one of my last remaining 'flings on the field who scoops it up and runs towards the corner. His blitzer makes some gfi's and lays a 2-die but get double push (no rerolls). Last turn of the game my guy dodges away and makes one gfi for the win. 1-0.
My opponent played a fine game - I just got all the rolls at the end. He scored 6 cas. and I earned enough to replace my dead tree and buy another 'fling - so we both came away in pretty good shape.”
My opponent played a fine game - I just got all the rolls at the end. He scored 6 cas. and I earned enough to replace my dead tree and buy another 'fling - so we both came away in pretty good shape.”