CTV 2350k Human
Vampire CTV 2360k
#4 Alexander of Macedonia – Dead (RIP)
#12 Tupac Amaru – Dead (RIP)
#10 Prof. Dr. Vladimir Premudry – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#10 Prof. Dr. Vladimir Premudry – Smashed Knee (NI)
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Warriors are suffering a curse of some sort.
Best blitzer of all since the team creation WAS Alexander of Macedonia a.k.a. Alexander the Great. Died bravely on the pitch after being nailed into the ground by a fouling thrall. How can such greatness be undone by a filthy slave?!?
Rolls sucked all the game. Didn't get one casualities despite 5 MB on the team. I aimed at his thralls, av7, but nothing happened. Twice gfi ONES. Double skulls, twice, in a row, burning a reroll.
I won't miss this game for a while.
Happy for Angelface, he deserved the win.”