“Not the amazons finest hour. 45 blocks and not a single casualty... 35 blocks for the rats and they got 4 ... the only casualty they suffered was from a failed dodge.
The girls couldn't get out of their half first half, and couldn't stop that skaven in the second half... it was a miserable display... and with 2 RIPs suffered in a row (1 apothed), the girls are once again below strength... and still not one skill between them after 3 games.
joshzombie played well, did nothing wrong, and was pleasant throughout... Think I was starting to feel like nuffle didn't like me much... hope that didn't come across too much... had just lost 2 tournament games previously... perhaps playing another was a mistake! :-)”
The girls couldn't get out of their half first half, and couldn't stop that skaven in the second half... it was a miserable display... and with 2 RIPs suffered in a row (1 apothed), the girls are once again below strength... and still not one skill between them after 3 games.
joshzombie played well, did nothing wrong, and was pleasant throughout... Think I was starting to feel like nuffle didn't like me much... hope that didn't come across too much... had just lost 2 tournament games previously... perhaps playing another was a mistake! :-)”