“Tough game, even though the cas line didnt read so. A GTR in the second half proved to make it a bit easier to get down field for winning TD.
3pts Quellonon Errosin, an impressive leap in for a two dice against bring down for a SI on a runner was almost play of the day if we didnt recover it and still score, heck it was still play of the day. hats off to whitey on that one
2pts: Danerthon Farron, NOS catchers are tough to stop and this one wasnt any easier as he scored the only TD for the Triumph
1pt: Scaramor Candahar scored a cas in his oppening game”
“3pts: Gregor Bandor - Removed 5 players in 5 turns with a GTR in the second half, on the dwarves second offensive drive.
2pts: Derek Figor - Probably doesn't score too many of these, but his diving tackle got the dwarves their first td. Otherwise that ball was out of there.
1pt: Brett Rainbow - His pickup in front of the touch line to get the td won the game for the dwarves, and he was always able to get where he had to be.”
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3pts Quellonon Errosin, an impressive leap in for a two dice against bring down for a SI on a runner was almost play of the day if we didnt recover it and still score, heck it was still play of the day. hats off to whitey on that one
2pts: Danerthon Farron, NOS catchers are tough to stop and this one wasnt any easier as he scored the only TD for the Triumph
1pt: Scaramor Candahar scored a cas in his oppening game”