“After the recent loss of a few of our key players, I just had to test this team. Who would stand out? Who would make the bigs plays when they were needed?
So when this match appeared, I thought that it was a perfect sleeper team to put the pressure on these young men. At first glance our opponents didn't look like much more than two stars with a bunch of talentless fillers, but I noticed a certain "hunger" in their eyes. A perfect matchup for a team that had recently suffered some leadership setbacks.
So who stood out? No one and everyone. No one made any big plays for us today. No one made a single play worth mentioning on our side of the ball.
However, I noticed a lot of players hustling around trying to make them. Everyone was getting knocked around out there, but we kept getting up. We got out hit better than 2-1, most of them legal hits, and a lot of players got knocked off the pitch, but those that stayed on the field never gave up! I've got a lot of coaching to do and they've got a lot of long practices in front of them, but I am proud of my players today--not for excelling, but for never giving up their pursuit of excellence. It means a lot to me when my players take a beating and come back for more!
And my hat goes off to my fine opponents and their coach. They played a great game and really came ready to knock us out. They accomplished that.
Our team has been lurking in the shadows, waiting for that right opponent to pop up. Sometimes they do, sometimes they dont... But what are those humans doing over there? No dont touch...
It was too late, before they knew it, La Frou-Frou bit of a humans hand. Didnt they see this dog was not for rubbing over his head.
Before we know it our heroes were squbling over the playing field, to settle the fact that our little pup bight of a hand.
Except for dodging, luck wasnt put away for the humans. Our heroes hit hard, and the ref didnt really spot anything.
In the first half, a catcher went down on a sprint too the endzone. After that the rest became a bit of childplay. Surely with the lucks the other coach had.
Not really excitment, better luck for the humans could have made it intresting.
Timothy Caen - Aldorf Gazett ”
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So when this match appeared, I thought that it was a perfect sleeper team to put the pressure on these young men. At first glance our opponents didn't look like much more than two stars with a bunch of talentless fillers, but I noticed a certain "hunger" in their eyes. A perfect matchup for a team that had recently suffered some leadership setbacks.
So who stood out? No one and everyone. No one made any big plays for us today. No one made a single play worth mentioning on our side of the ball.
However, I noticed a lot of players hustling around trying to make them. Everyone was getting knocked around out there, but we kept getting up. We got out hit better than 2-1, most of them legal hits, and a lot of players got knocked off the pitch, but those that stayed on the field never gave up! I've got a lot of coaching to do and they've got a lot of long practices in front of them, but I am proud of my players today--not for excelling, but for never giving up their pursuit of excellence. It means a lot to me when my players take a beating and come back for more!
And my hat goes off to my fine opponents and their coach. They played a great game and really came ready to knock us out. They accomplished that.
--Coach Amstar”