“This match started badly. My Ogre niggled out and a thrown rock on the first kick off Seriously Injured one of my Blitzers. By the time PurpleChest finished his grinding, brutal cage drive to score on Turn 8 of the 1st half - complete with a well-placed foul to send another Blitzer to the BH box, I had 1 SI, 2 BH, and 4 in the KO box. I received a Turn 8 kick-off with six players on the pitch, and the 2nd half kick-off with only seven. Unable to work around my opponents numerical advantage, I was forced to "punt" and throw the ball into his back field. He once again started his cage moving. I was able to snipe with my remaining players to slow him down a little, but was never able to mount a serious defense. Only a missed 1-space pass into the endzone on his last turn prevented the score from being 2-0.
Well played, PurpleChest! I am very lucky I came away with only the one MNG. Ouch!”
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Well played, PurpleChest! I am very lucky I came away with only the one MNG. Ouch!”