“A tough game against some mean Norsemen, we fought hard but came out second best.
Things went against us in the 1st half with a couple zombies getting ko'd, then Lonewolf realized he had edged a little to close to the action when he found himself blitzed to the turf and kicked in the head until he was ko'd. The Norsemen stalled and scored at the end of the half, Lonewolf (only wolf on the team) pouted in the ko box for the whole game.
The 2nd half started a little better, we managed to take a few Norse players of the pitch. I was so intent on bashing the remaining Norse off the pitch, that I left my wight standing 6 squares from the opposing end zone. After the doubleskull, my helpless Wight was surrounded but the Minotaur failed to blitz, he just roared with rage instead. Roaring with rage is pretty much all he did all game long. My wight blizted his way to the endzone for the 1-1 tie.
The Norsemen controled the ball and scored late in the game for the win.
Congrats Soerenkelper, great game.
My Wight rolled 6+6 on his skill roll, horray.”
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Things went against us in the 1st half with a couple zombies getting ko'd, then Lonewolf realized he had edged a little to close to the action when he found himself blitzed to the turf and kicked in the head until he was ko'd. The Norsemen stalled and scored at the end of the half, Lonewolf (only wolf on the team) pouted in the ko box for the whole game.
The 2nd half started a little better, we managed to take a few Norse players of the pitch. I was so intent on bashing the remaining Norse off the pitch, that I left my wight standing 6 squares from the opposing end zone. After the doubleskull, my helpless Wight was surrounded but the Minotaur failed to blitz, he just roared with rage instead. Roaring with rage is pretty much all he did all game long. My wight blizted his way to the endzone for the 1-1 tie.
The Norsemen controled the ball and scored late in the game for the win.
Congrats Soerenkelper, great game.
My Wight rolled 6+6 on his skill roll, horray.”