#2 La Frou-Frou III – Broken Ribs (MNG) #2 La Frou-Frou III – Serious Concussion (-AV)
“Episode 27 - CRAP
Our fellowship finds themselves fighting some khemrians.
Well... Nothing more to say abouth this episode. Probably the shortest one I have ever written.
Look to the luck-meter... you know why.
There was no game, only failure.
Bad epsiode, makes episode #7 (the big dice rape) seem stupid.
Our fellowship finds themselves fighting some khemrians.
Well... Nothing more to say abouth this episode. Probably the shortest one I have ever written.
Look to the luck-meter... you know why.
There was no game, only failure.
Bad epsiode, makes episode #7 (the big dice rape) seem stupid.
Kartog Bolrog - Evil Magazine