“Not really a very interesting match. soeren got an edge with his DP and a "good" get the ref (this is why I usually avoid th ose DP´s ;)). This in turn led to an 8 turn stall in the second half.
I know it´s a valid tactic. I know it´s just a game. But it´s still just so f**king boring. I didn´t enjoy it and I can´t possibly see how soeren could.
“It is a valid tactic - and nec to win ag stronger team,s if u get an edge. With no tacklers vs a team with many blodgers - i dont see why i should risk a safe 3-2 win for a 3-3 draw with multiple rat cas...
Good luck to u 2”
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I know it´s a valid tactic. I know it´s just a game. But it´s still just so f**king boring. I didn´t enjoy it and I can´t possibly see how soeren could.
Good luck in the future mate.”