“The Blight didn't have much hope for this game facing former Premier team Carlton United, but Nuffle shined, handing us a 3 man Morely's and the Duke off with a niggling injury. Twahn made things very difficult though, placing players well and holding the Norse up at every opportunity.
#3 - Eglandar Braybrook - titan Blitzer, took us apart
#3 Aldensav Rosenquist – Dead (RIP) #5 Rainbow Jay – Smashed Knee (NI)
3 Votes - #7 Nikoliev 'Shloss!' Sazzeyev
A great hard hitting blockfest from Niko. No casualties for him but plenty of hard enough hits to keep what little team Carlton had to play with off the field more often than on.
2 Votes - #10 Silverstam Strekoff
With a tackle so deft that rookie blitzer Aldensav did not survive it, and a touchdown to boot, all in all a great game from a future superstar.
1 Vote - #5 Gougeofsten Socketson
A very handy Lineman who deserves credit for scoring his first ever touchdown. Could be a future in this lad...”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
#3 - Eglandar Braybrook - titan Blitzer, took us apart
#2 - Jake Fluttery - Monstor player, +ST Tackle nightmare
#1 - Kelly Karrett - MVP, despite being off the field for most of the game.