“The Draw for the first round of the League couldnt of gone much better for the Queens Own , a nice starter game against some puny little halflings , shouldnt be too much trouble thought the coach , and he was right , the halflings where all over the place . The Queens Own put in a strong team performance that unfortunatly meant only 1 player managed to improve noticably .
Their was little mercy shown from the Dwarfs as they pulverised there way through the little cheeky halfling chaps .
It would of taken great fortune for the halflings to get much from this game and it wasn't to be as nuffle favoured the Dwarven Nation .
Dubliner foolish overstretched himself and too busy thinking about the Pies that the Halfling chef was baking on the side line he overexerted himself and has been complaining bitterly about his injury .
On the last turn we could of scored again , but Gog greedy to take a 3rd casualty somehow managed to get outfoxed by a crafty little halfling ,who dumped him on his arse , the rest of the team where to busy laughing to score the fourth .
A good game played with the fans backing the underdogs , but it wasnt to be , good luck for the little halfling fella s in the rest of the league , hope it goes better and the dice fall at least more evenly for you in the next round . ”
Their was little mercy shown from the Dwarfs as they pulverised there way through the little cheeky halfling chaps .
It would of taken great fortune for the halflings to get much from this game and it wasn't to be as nuffle favoured the Dwarven Nation .
Dubliner foolish overstretched himself and too busy thinking about the Pies that the Halfling chef was baking on the side line he overexerted himself and has been complaining bitterly about his injury .
On the last turn we could of scored again , but Gog greedy to take a 3rd casualty somehow managed to get outfoxed by a crafty little halfling ,who dumped him on his arse , the rest of the team where to busy laughing to score the fourth .
A good game played with the fans backing the underdogs , but it wasnt to be , good luck for the little halfling fella s in the rest of the league , hope it goes better and the dice fall at least more evenly for you in the next round . ”